Use quotes when searching for Bible passages for best results. Example… “1 John 2” or “1 John 2:1-2”

Can I Be Honest With God?

Navigating life’s challenges and managing emotions can be a daunting task. When faced with anger, betrayal, or deep pain, it’s...

When Children Stray

In a world where cultural pressures pull people away from faith, Christian parents face the daunting task of raising children...

Love & Discipline

Raising children in today’s world is a daunting task, but the Bible provides timeless wisdom to guide parents. The key...

Stages of Parenting

Raising children to embrace faith and maintain healthy relationships is a dream shared by all Christian parents. Achieving this dream...

Raising Faith In Tough Times

Six non-negotiable principles for Christian parenting in a challenging world. Learn how to guide your children towards a strong faith...

No Longer Slaves

In a world burdened by rules and expectations, true freedom can seem like an unattainable dream. But there is hope...

Get Out

The book of Genesis reveals the devastating consequences of unchecked sin and the desperate need for God’s mercy. From the...

True Colors

Life Around the Table

Gathering around tables and sharing meals was a cornerstone of Jesus’ ministry and the early church. The book of Acts...

What Do We Do With Our Sin?

Sin is a constant struggle, even for Christians who believe in Christ’s victory over sin and death. Our daily experience...

Romans 6:15-23

We are all slaves – either to sin or to righteousness. Drawing from Romans 6, he exposes the reality of...

The Logos of the Cross

All churches have a culture, whether they realize it or not. This church’s culture has been compromised by consumerism –...

Out of Nothing

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. This opening line of Scripture reveals key truths about who...

In God’s Image

Every person bears God’s image, though we often lose sight of its dignity. Rediscovering our identity requires recognizing our shared...

Christianity & Rest

Rest—it’s a divine gift woven into the fabric of creation, yet it often eludes us. From God’s primeval Sabbath to...

Christianity & Truth

In uncertain times, enduring truths can anchor us. We confront timeless questions from the opening verses of Genesis. Does truth...

It’s Time!

Growth and revival are afoot, but something is still missing. Attendance numbers may be up across multiple campuses, yet fanaticism...

Changed People, Change People

“Changed people change people.” That simple but profound phrase sparked a personal revelation in one seminary student. In this sermon,...