Rest—it’s a divine gift woven into the fabric of creation, yet it often eludes us. From God’s primeval Sabbath to our frenzied modern lives, we struggle to enter the rest...
How do you measure success? For many, it comes down to money and possessions. The more you have, the more accomplished you must be. But Jesus teaches a radical alternative:...
Money. The great source of stress, worry, and anxiety for many. In fact, studies show 87% of Americans are stressed about the growing cost of everything. Money is one of...
Money. For many of us, it’s a dirty word, laden with shame, stress, and secrecy. Our finances feel like a private source of anxiety, not an opportunity from God. But...
Chasing after wealth and material gain can become an all-consuming pursuit, blinding us to spiritual realities and distorting our values. But how we handle money reveals the deepest desires of...
The spirit of Mammon tries to convince us that we own everything we have and that God doesn’t care what we do with our money. However, the Bible makes it...
Living with an eternal perspective affects our priorities and actions. When we view our lives through the lens of eternity, it encourages us to invest our time,money, and energy wisely...