Gathering around tables and sharing meals was a cornerstone of Jesus’ ministry and the early church. The book of Acts reveals how the first believers devoted themselves to fellowship, breaking...
Growth and revival are afoot, but something is still missing. Attendance numbers may be up across multiple campuses, yet fanaticism for Jesus remains lukewarm. Good news inflames the saved, yet...
“Changed people change people.” That simple but profound phrase sparked a personal revelation in one seminary student. In this sermon, unpack what it really means to be transformed by Christ...
In a world clamoring for our attention, we are often left feeling disconnected and alone. Yet, in the midst of this chaos, there is a lifeline we can cling to—the...
What is God’s grand plan for your life? Does the Creator of the universe truly guide each step you take? The allure of discovering your divine destiny compels countless souls....
Want to transform your prayer life? Jesus provides the model in his famous Lord’s Prayer. Far more than a religious ritual, these words unlock the key to powerful, intimate connection...
Who’s really in charge of your life? Do your daily decisions reflect that Jesus Christ holds supreme authority over heaven and earth? Many of us live as if we are...
Are you tired of the status quo? Are you ready for something more? As the winds of change blow through the world around us, a divine disruption is coming to...
Leading change is never easy. From the very start, opposition arises seeking to undermine your efforts and drag you back to the status quo. Sanballat and his allies sensed the...
Money. The great source of stress, worry, and anxiety for many. In fact, studies show 87% of Americans are stressed about the growing cost of everything. Money is one of...