Topic: Holy Spirit

In our day and age, it can be hard to distinguish between real and fake news. Imagine a religious leader, Nicodemus, encountering a surprising revelation from Jesus. In John chapter...


John 3:1–36

Are you struggling to understand the mysteries of God or make wise decisions? Learn how directly encountering the Spirit of Truth can transform your life through revelation, discernment and renewing...


1 Corinthians 2:1-16

We are constantly bombarded by conflicting messages and ideas, seeking to shape our understanding of truth and reality. However, discerning what is genuinely true from deception can feel overwhelming. This...



Have you ever felt like life had more splinters than peace? Like you were bumping against the grain of reality instead of flowing with it? Jesus came to show us...


John 14:15-31

Life in the public eye often breeds resentment. Those who speak up about truth and justice are rarely popular for long. Jesus knew his disciples would face hatred for following...


John 15:18-16:3

The troubles of this life can seem endless and overwhelming. Waves of personal, societal, and cultural challenges crash over us relentlessly. It’s tempting to medicate our way through, but only...


John 16:1-15

Every teenager struggles with the question “who am I?”. In a world that demands we build our own identities, the pressure can seem overwhelming. Many feel crushed under the weight...


John 15:13-15

How we think shapes everything about our lives. Our fundamental orientation to the world determines whether we live in peace or perpetual struggle. Redirecting our minds from fleshly desires to...


Romans 8:5, Romans 8:2, Romans 8:6-8

If you’re a Christian, doubts and questions inevitably arise: doubts about your salvation, your character, and your walk with God. These can assail you, cast a shadow over your joy...


Romans 8:9-11, 2 Corinthians 4:16

The Christian life is a journey of waiting – waiting for the glory that awaits us when we see Christ face to face and enter eternity. In this life, we...


Romans 8:18, Hebrews 6:17-20, Colossians 1, Colossians 3, 2 Corinthians, Zephaniah 3