The passage in Judges 19 depicts extreme darkness and evil as a woman is brutally raped and murdered. While Israel’s response only results in more sin, this story reveals humanity’s...
Jesus offers us truth, life, and direction. However, many people try to worship God on their own terms through a blend of religions known as syncretism. This sermon highlights three...
God’s guidance comes through His Word. As we see in the story of Gideon, God has spoken clearly through Scripture and we do not need to seek signs and wonders...
This sermon focused on Judges 4 and 5, specifically the story of Deborah, Barak, and Jael. From the historical account in chapter 4, the sermon moved to gleaning theological truths...
God uses unlikely deliverers and unexpected methods to rescue Israel from their rebellion. The stories of Othniel and Ehud illustrate this repeated cycle in the Book of Judges. But ultimately,...
God remains faithful to his people despite their unfaithfulness. The Book of Judges records how the Israelites repeatedly turned away from God to worship false gods. Yet God, in his...