What We See At The Cross

Preached by

The crucifixion of Jesus Christ. If we could witness this disturbing scene in real time, it would make us turn away in horror. Yet there is more here than meets the eye.

When we look closer at the cross, we encounter profound revelations – about humanity’s darkness, God’s sovereignty, Christ’s love, and the fork in the road we all must face. The unsettling events of that day contain critical displays from God meant to shake us awake. Will we keep gazing? Or will we shut our eyes to the truths unveiled on Golgotha’s hill?

  1. The cross displays the evil of humanity. The crucifixion shows how humanity rejects and opposes God, even the most religious people. It reveals our sinful nature.
  2. The cross displays the sovereignty of God. Even through the evil acts against Jesus, God is accomplishing his purposes and fulfilling his plan. Jesus shows that he is ultimately in control and everything is passing through God’s hands.
  3. The cross displays the love of Jesus. Jesus endures the mocking, flogging, rejection and crucifixion out of love for us. Even as he suffers, he thinks of others and shows love to his mother.
  4. The cross displays the choice before us. We can either reject Jesus or stand with Jesus by trusting in his love and grace. We must receive his love and make him the king of our lives.

We stand today at the foot of the cross, confronted with the ultimate display of love. Jesus endured the agony of the cross for you – yes, you – because he sees you, he knows you, and he loves you. Our only fitting response is to receive his love, enthrone him as the king of our lives, and take our stand with him. What further proof do we need that he is the Messiah, our deliverer?

The cross leaves no middle ground. We must each choose this day if we will reject or receive, scorn or trust, usurp or enthrone Jesus Christ as Lord. I urge you – open your heart fully to his love. Turn from sin and darkness. Place your life in his hands of mercy and grace. Do this and experience true freedom and purpose at last. The wonder of his love awaits all who will stand with Jesus.


John 19:1-27

All content is property of Luke Simmons and Redemption Gateway.