Go back in time to Acts 1 and 2 to better understand who they are as a church and how God wants to use them today. In Back to the Future, Marty McFly had to go back in time to understand himself, his purpose, and his future.
The Power
The power and strength of the church comes from the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit dwells within believers and baptizes them into the body of Christ. The more believers surrender to the Holy Spirit, the more powerfully he can work through them.
The Purpose
The church’s purpose is not to determine its own goals, but to be witnesses for Christ. This means sharing the gospel and helping people grow spiritually.
The early church was united in their love for Jesus, his word, and his purpose. This unity allowed the Holy Spirit’s power to flow through them.
The early church was devoted to prayer, which got their hearts right with God and right with each other. Prayer released the power of God in their lives.
God will renew unity and purpose in the church, making it surrendered to his plan. God will use the church in powerful ways beyond what anyone could imagine.