The One Who Endures

Preached by

In uncertain times, we wonder what the future holds and if difficult days are ahead. Jesus tells us plainly in Mark 13 that troubles will come, but encourages us to stay faithful no matter what happens. We can endure anything when we keep our eyes fixed on Him.

  • Watch out for false teachers who claim to speak for Jesus but do not preach the true gospel. Look for those who emphasize the gospel and Biblical truths.
  • Do not be alarmed by wars, famines, earthquakes, and persecution. Jesus said these will happen but the end is not yet here.
  • Be on guard as you advance the gospel. Defend and guard the truth even as you spread it to new places.
  • Do not be anxious when persecuted and brought to trial. Trust the Spirit will give you the words to say.
  • Endure to the end. Keep following Jesus even when it is difficult. Those who endure will be saved.

Jesus never promises ease or comfort in this life. But He does promise to be with us always and give us the strength to endure to the end. No matter what happens in the world around us, we can trust Him fully and continue following Him faithfully each day. He is greater than any trial we may face.


Mark 13:1-13

All content is property of Dr Chris Moore and Vista Grande Baptist Church.