The Necessity of Waiting on God

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Waiting is one of the most difficult realities we all face. None of us enjoy feeling stuck in limbo, unsure of when or how something precious to us will be fulfilled. Yet for David, one of the greatest kings of Israel, waiting was not a brief inconvenience but a prolonged test of over a decade. Called by God to be king from a young age, David was forced to linger in patience as circumstances beyond his control delayed the promise. However, within David’s example we find profound insights into how to weather seasons of expectant unrest. More than that, we see how God can use even delay for good.

Today we will explore David’s demonstration of persevering through patience by clinging to God’s character alone. We will discover how waiting humbles us to join God’s rhythm, deepens faith in His word, and allows space for His purposes to unfold. Though obstacles came, David emerged having shown us that God remains sovereign over timeline and outcome alike. By the conclusion, I pray we find renewed encouragement that our waiting is never pointless when God is at work behind the scenes. May His faithful fulfillment of promises in the past fortify our trust for whatever awaits in an unknown future.

  1. David had to wait many years between being anointed king by Samuel and actually becoming king over all of Israel. This period of waiting lasted over a decade.
  2. During this time of waiting, David expresses frustration with phrases like “How long, O Lord?” showing the difficulty of prolonged waiting.
  3. Even while waiting, David remains committed to obeying God and does not take matters into his own hands, showing his trust in God’s promise and timing.
  4. Waiting is necessary because it reminds us we are on God’s timetable, allows God to work in His purposes, deepens our faith in God’s promises, and gives us space to obey God in faith.
  5. God can fulfill His purposes even through evil acts of men, and David comes to full kingship in God’s timing despite obstacles along the way.
  6. As believers, we are in a period of waiting for the eventual return of Christ, our true King, just as the Israelites awaited a righteous king to fully establish God’s kingdom.

The story of David’s kingship reveals that waiting, though difficult, shapes us profoundly for God’s purpose if we let it. Through trials of prolonged expectation, our priorities are refined and our faith in Christ’s unfailing plan is burnished. Even in uncertainty, the God who kept covenant with David remains ever-faithful to complete what He started in us.

As those who await Christ’s final return, may we follow David’s example of obedient patience. Cling to God’s character in times clouded by unanswered questions. Find purpose in simply obeying what is clear today, leaving all else to God’s sovereign ordering. And know that our King who sympathizes with every struggle is using even delays to conform us daily into the image of the One for whom all history is moving. The trials of waiting will not last forever, but God’s faithfulness certainly will. May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him.


2 Samuel 2-3, 2 Samuel 5

All content is property of Josh Yasuda and Redemption Gateway.