The Habit of Following Jesus

Preached by

Following Jesus can seem complicated at times. We get distracted by the many paths crossing in front of us and other voices clamoring for our attention. But Jesus offers a simple yet profound truth – follow me.

Take one step in front of the other, keeping your eyes fixed on me. This sermon aims to uncover the treasures hidden in those simple words, equipping you to start following Jesus today, one step at a time.

  1. Stop trying to please people and start following Jesus. People pleasing leads to a loss of purpose and deep connection. Jesus should be the focus, not what others think.
  2. Slow down and nourish your soul. Jesus would take time to nourish His soul through rest and prayer. We need to do the same through a Sabbath and daily quiet time with God.
  3. Schedule your time based on values, not others’ agendas. Live from your core values and God’s values, not what others want. Put important spiritual disciplines like worship and prayer as a high priority.
  4. Surrender your life to Jesus. Make Him the Lord and Good Shepherd of your life who can meet all your needs and lead you on the right path.
  5. Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus. Focus on following Him one step at a time. He goes before you to prepare the way and His goodness and mercy follow behind you.
  6. Give financially to support the work of God’s kingdom and see Him bless you in return. Make God a priority in your finances.

Jesus does not call us to perfection but progression. Focus not on stumbling, but on moving forward. Keep one hand in His, taking that next step together. Every moment you spend following Him builds upon the last.

One day you’ll look back and see how far you’ve come – not through your own might, but because Jesus went before you, leading the way step by step.

Will you take that first step today? Surrender your life afresh to the Good Shepherd who knows the way and will never leave your side. Then follow Him, one step at a time. Jesus promises that wherever the path may lead, on Him you can depend.


Psalm 23:1-3, 6, Hebrews 12:2, Mark 1:35, Hebrews 12:1-2

All content is property of Kerry Shook and Woodlands Church.