Are you stuck living life on autopilot, wasting precious moments and losing track of what truly matters? Do you struggle to maintain focus and discipline with so much noise competing for your attention?
The key to living a life of clarity, purpose and freedom is realizing that change starts within the framework of a single day. The little things you decide to do – or not do – each day have a profound impact on shaping your life as a whole. Make the most of each opportunity within the 24 hours you’re given.
Live every moment fully engaged and surrender your burdens at the end of each day. With simple daily disciplines and a dependence on God’s grace, you can transform how you spend your time and truly redeem your days on earth.
- Prioritize your daily habits. Make a list of 2-4 priorities and devote time to them. The first priority should be spending time with God.
- Expect divine interruptions. Have a plan but be open to God changing your plans. Discern between distractions and divine appointments.
- Decide to live in the moment. Take advantage of opportunities in the present instead of dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. Be fully engaged in what you’re doing.
- Leave the day’s burdens with God. At the end of each day, give your failures, regrets, worries and stresses to God. Receive his forgiveness and mercy for the new day.
- Invest in things that are eternal like God’s word, relationships and the church. This will help you redeem your time and avoid regrets.
The most important decision you can make is to place your life and time fully into God’s hands. Ask him to give you the wisdom and strength to live by his priorities instead of the pressures of this world. Determine to put him first in your daily habits, your use of time and in every choice you face. Start small by establishing just one new godly habit that you practice faithfully each day.
Over time, that daily discipline will reshape your character and redirect the course of your life. Every moment is a gift – don’t let any more slip through your fingers unused and un cherished.
Resolve today to truly live, and live fully, right here and right now, one day at a time. Become the person God created you to be by obeying the simple yet life-changing 24 hour rule.