Sun Stand Still Faith

Preached by

God has promised you blessings and a future greater than you can imagine, but you must have faith to receive them. Difficult trials are meant to strengthen your faith so you can possess what God has for you. Though the sun may seem to be setting over areas of your life, God can make it stand still again.

  • God wants you to choose audacious faith over fear and believe him for the impossible. Like Joshua, prayerfully ask God to do miracles in your situation.
  • To pray bold prayers and see God move, know his will. His word declares it is his will for your family, business, finances, and life to prosper. Identify what is keeping you from God’s will and prayerfully ask him to remove those impossibilities.
  • God is waiting for you to write your own “sun stand still” story by trusting him to do the impossible in your circumstances. Have faith God will pour out his Spirit and move in your life. Though only some possess God’s promises, he will abundantly bless those with audacious faith.

In the end, the level of faith you demonstrate will determine whether or not you possess what God has promised. Don’t settle for less than God’s best for your life. Keep believing him for miracles and watch as he makes the sun stand still over your circumstances. God can turn your situation around and do the impossible if you have audacious faith in him.


Hebrews 11:6, Matthew 19:26, Joshua 10 8-13, Matthew 7:7, James 1:6

All content is property of Joseph Nieves and Transformation Church.