Stay Awake

Preached by

Like a thief in the night, Jesus will return when we least expect it. Are you ready? In today’s passage, Jesus commands his followers to stay awake and be prepared, though no one knows the day or hour of his coming. The signs may point to his return, but the timing remains a mystery. How can Christ-followers live ready and watchful for their Master’s return?

  1. Jesus commands his followers to stay awake and be ready for his second coming, though the timing is unknown.
  2. Knowing the uncertainty of when Christ will return should lead believers to spiritual wakefulness, not apathy.
  3. Followers of Jesus must live righteously and make things right with others to be prepared for his return.

Brothers and sisters, the day of the Lord is coming. Let us not be found sleeping, but actively living out our faith. Make things right today – reconcile broken relationships, share the gospel, walk in holiness. Live each moment ready for our King’s return and delighting in His presence. At any time, Jesus may appear to gather his people home. Until then, stay awake!


Mark 13:28-37

All content is property of Dr Chris Moore and Vista Grande Baptist Church.