Sex is a subject that often creates discomfort and confusion, even within marriage. Many couples struggle to connect sexually in a way that honors God’s design.
But what if I told you that God’s vision for physical intimacy between a husband and wife is far more beautiful – and transformative – than you could imagine? That God created sex not just as a physical act, but as a deeply spiritual gift meant to bring you closer together.
This message reveals God’s heart for sexual intimacy in marriage, and how becoming sexually generous towards one another can awaken love and passion you never thought possible.
- God designed sex. He created it as a good gift for husband and wife within marriage.
- Sex within marriage is meant to be a picture of the intimacy and oneness between the husband and wife.
- Husbands and wives should be sexually generous with each other. It means giving without expectation of getting something in return, and giving beyond expectation.
- Being sexually generous involves having perspective and patience, providing passionate praise, and playing and bringing pleasure to each other.
- Some couples have foundation issues that cause sexual problems, not just surface cracks. Addressing the foundation – their relationship with God – can help resolve sexual difficulties in marriage.
- God desires to heal and restore sexually broken marriages and individuals through His grace.
The gift of physical intimacy within the bonds of marriage was designed by God not just for pleasure, but to create an unbreakable bond between a husband and wife. Yet so many couples have lost sight of that beauty through brokenness, selfishness and pain. But God’s grace is enough to bring true healing and restoration – if you’ll open your hearts to him.
Commit to praying for God’s help in becoming more sexually generous towards your spouse. Ask him to give you patience, compassion and a spirit of playfulness. Surrender any entitlement or bitterness. And trust that as your relationship with God is strengthened, so will your physical union.
Begin this journey towards the beautiful vision God has for your marriage – a vision of oneness, passion and joy, reflecting the selfless love of Christ. Start small with genuine words of praise and affection, then watch as God transforms your hearts, your home and your hopes for a marriage that reflects heaven on earth. The journey to true intimacy begins today – will you take the first step?