What if the resurrection of Jesus isn’t just meant to prove His divinity, but is actually the power source for living the Christian life? What if weeping and mourning over our separation from Christ revealed our true loves and values more than anything else? What if the first act of the risen Jesus was to comfort and meet people where they were instead of condemning?
The resurrection story found in John 20 holds radical insights for how we are meant to live in light of Christ’s victory over death. As we walk through the account of weeping Mary, unbelieving disciples, and the living Jesus, we discover that the resurrection provides both security from sin and purpose for life. When we see the risen Lord, our perspective and lives are transformed from the inside out.
- Jesus died and rose again not just to purchase salvation, but also to accomplish it and give power to live the Christian life. The resurrection gives both security and purpose.
- Even the disciples who walked with Jesus for years did not understand the scriptures that he must rise from the dead. So we should not feel shame for not understanding everything.
- Mary Magdalene’s tears and weeping show what she truly values – Jesus. Her lingering grief shows she is seeking the right things.
- When Jesus appears to Mary, his first words are to comfort her and ask her what she is seeking. This shows that ministry starts with meeting people where they are.
- When Mary sees the risen Jesus, it grabs hold of her and propels her to announce “I have seen the Lord!”. Seeing Jesus transforms us and makes us want to share the good news.
- When Jesus appears to the fearful disciples behind locked doors, he does not condemn them but says “Peace be with you.” He shows them grace and seeks to restore harmony.
The resurrection is about more than just an empty tomb – it’s about the living, breathing Jesus ready to walk with us daily. Where do our tears fall? What are we truly seeking? Have we actually seen the risen Lord, or are we just going through empty motions? If we haven’t beheld the beauty of Christ, we’ll never have the motivation to share His love with others.
Jesus meets us with grace despite our failures and shortcomings. He brings peace and restoration to brokenness. Our lives can radiate the light of His love when we personalize the power of His resurrection. Don’t leave Easter at the empty tomb – meet the living Lord who conquered sin and death. Then watch as He breathes new life into your story.