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Heaven: Who Goes There?

Rethinking Good

Preached by

Heaven has been on the minds of people for centuries. Many assume good people go there after death, but Jesus taught a different view. His revolutionary message reframed how we understand goodness, sin, and salvation.

  • Good people don’t go to heaven based on their goodness. Jesus taught that all have sinned and fall short of God’s standards.
  • Goodness is a moving target – it differs by time, culture, and person. The Bible’s standards show that none are ultimately good enough on their own merits.
  • Jesus rejected the idea that people could mistreat others yet still be in good standing with God. He taught that sinning against others is sinning against God.

Goodness is complex. What counts as “good” varies by time, culture and person. The Bible shows none measure up to God’s standards. Jesus highlighted this, raising the bar so high all fell short.

But Jesus went further. He rejected the idea that being good on your own merits could get you to heaven. He taught that sins against people are actually sins against God, who loves them.

This leads to the pivotal point: Jesus taught the only path to heaven is not by being good enough, but by accepting his sacrifice. He, the one truly good, died to pay the price for our sins and offers us a right relationship with God – not based on our merit but on grace through faith in him.

This radical message began as “good news” to those who accepted Jesus’ gift of salvation. His death and resurrection provide the only hope for those who admit they fall short yet trust in him as Savior. All else is in vain.

All content is property of Andy Stanley and North Point Community Church.