Released from the Flesh

Preached by

If you’re a Christian, doubts and questions inevitably arise: doubts about your salvation, your character, and your walk with God. These can assail you, cast a shadow over your joy in Christ, and convince you that you’re not a “true” believer. But God’s word speaks hope and assurance into these doubts.

Today we’ll examine the scriptural basis for Christian assurance and how to move from self-doubt to confidence in Christ. We’ll discover the key indicator that identifies true believers, understand how spiritual growth really works, and see how hope in the resurrection can transform how you view yourself and your struggles. If you long for assurance and confidence in your faith, you are invited to keep an open mind and heart as we seek truth and hope together.

  1. Having assurance of one’s salvation is important, but many Christians struggle with doubts and questions about whether they are truly saved.
  2. The key indicator of whether someone belongs to Christ is the presence of the Holy Spirit in them.
  3. Having the Holy Spirit does not mean a current state of perfection, freedom from sin, and temptation. Christians still struggle and have frailties.
  4. But having the Holy Spirit does mean a growing desire to obey God and submit to him, though this growth is progressive and imperfect. There is a new principle of life created within.
  5. This new life and renewal comes from Christ’s righteousness, not our own power or goodness. We must trust in Jesus.
  6. True assurance leads to hope, even in the midst of failure and struggle. The Christian’s ultimate hope is resurrection and new life through the Holy Spirit.
  7. So Christians should not be pessimistic but have realistic hope based on the truths of the gospel.
  8. The Spirit of God within gives confidence that God will ultimately give us new bodies free from sin and temptation.

Friends, assurance and confidence in Christ does not come by looking inward at yourself, but by looking upward to Jesus. He endured the cross to secure your salvation. He rose from the dead to give you new life. He comes to dwell within you by the Holy Spirit. So fix your eyes on Jesus: his person, his work, his promises. Let this hope in Jesus rise above your doubts and failures.

Determine to walk daily by the Spirit, responding to his promptings however faint. Let this hope inspire you to love God wholeheartedly and serve him joyfully, no longer condemned by your weaknesses but free in Christ. And one day, when Christ returns, you will receive a resurrection body like his – perfect, glorious, and free from sin. So press on, fix your eyes on Jesus, and walk by the Holy Spirit. Draw your assurance and confidence from union with Christ, not from anything within you.

This is the freedom and hope the gospel offers you. May you receive it by faith today and live each day in its light.


Romans 8:9-11, 2 Corinthians 4:16

All content is property of Josh Sercey and Icon Church Seattle.