What if we could know, with absolute certainty, that there is nothing we could ever do that would make God reject or condemn us? That all of our failings and shortcomings, past and present, have already been paid for in full?
This sounds too good to be true, yet the apostle Paul declares just this in Romans 8:1 – “there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” Through Jesus’ death and resurrection, God has given us the free gift of full acceptance by his grace.
This remarkable truth brings both freedom and purpose, if only we have the eyes to see our unworthiness and the wonder of God’s love. Today we will explore how God’s verdict of no condemnation in Jesus points the way to a life transformed.
- There is no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus. We have a verdict of full acceptance through Jesus.
- God took the initiative in our salvation because he knew we could not save ourselves. Our inability does not threaten God’s acceptance of us.
- Jesus took away our sin through his death on the cross (expiation) and imputed his righteousness to us (imputation). This is the means by which we receive no condemnation.
- Through Jesus, we can be fully known in our brokenness yet fully accepted. Radical self-acceptance cannot give this peace. Only the gospel can.
- We are invited to simply receive this acceptance by faith in Jesus, dropping our sin at the cross and receiving his righteousness as a gift.
The gospel calls us to lay down our pride, our self-justification, our inner perfectionism, and simply receive – by faith alone – the free gift of full acceptance that Jesus offers. In doing so, our lives will be transformed from the inside out. No longer bound by the need to prove our worth, we are free to love and serve others for their sake, not our own. T
he gospel rouses us from spiritual slumber, charging us to make the most of this one precious life we have been given. So my encouragement to you is this: dwell deeply on the glorious truth that “there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” Let this truth renew your heart and mind, liberate you from fear and guilt, and empower you to live for the One who died for you.
Throw yourself wholly on God’s mercy and experience the freedom and joy that come from being fully known and fully loved – just as you are. This is the gospel’s marvelous power to change lives. May it change yours today.