Released from Doubt

Preached by

When life feels intimidating and overwhelming, it can be easy to doubt God’s love and provision for us. But as Paul eloquently shares in Romans 8, God has done the ultimate demonstration of his love by giving up his own Son for us. Through Jesus, God is for us and wants to give us whatever we need – if only we would trust him.

Three truths emerge from this passage that can free us from doubt and transform our lives: God is fighting for us, he has generously given us everything in Christ, and he wants us to bring him our deepest needs with confidence in his help. If we embrace these realities, we can experience a freedom and lightheartedness even amid life’s difficulties.

  1. If God is for us, then no opposition can ultimately stand against us. We have God’s advocacy and support, so we do not need to be intimidated by any opposition.
  2. God gave up his own Son for us, demonstrating the generosity of his love and grace. Since he gave us his greatest possession, we can be confident he will give us all we need.
  3. We should bring our real needs and difficulties to God with expectation that he will come through for us, even if in a way we don’t expect. He is willing and able to help.
  4. Trusting in God’s love and provision for us can produce a lightheartedness and freedom from care in our lives, even amid difficulties. We can relax, knowing God is working for our good.
  5. Any emotional doubt we have about God’s love for us and willingness to help us is resolved by looking at what he has already done in giving his Son for us on the cross.

Let this passage motivate you to bring your real needs to God with open hands and an open heart. Tell him the truth of your struggles and longings, and trust that as a generous Father he desires to give you whatever you truly require – be it strength, wisdom, peace or healing. Let go of your doubt and suspicions, and instead simply rest in his love for you displayed most fully at the cross.

When you do, you’ll find the burden lifted and the joy restored. The generosity you’ve received in Christ will overflow into a generosity of spirit and lightness of heart that infects those around you. Don’t stay paralyzed by doubt – take your needs to the God who has already given his all for you.



Romans 8:31

All content is property of Josh Sercey and Icon Church Seattle.