Our Mission

Preached by

Our relationships reveal the image of God within us, whether distorted or becoming clearer. Every conversation, exchange and encounter shows humanity reflecting our heavenly Father. Who we are in relationships underscores who we are becoming – or failing to become – through the sanctifying work of Christ. Our relational God intends to use our relationships to accomplish His relational mission of transformation within us.


  • God uses relational means to sanctify and grow people.
  • Relationships reveal our sin and shortcomings as distorted images of God.
  • Feedback from others helps us grow into the image of Christ.

Content vs Process:

  • Content is the information or topic of discussion
  • Process is what is happening in the relationship – tone, body language, etc.
  • There can be a gap between good content but poor relational process.

Jesus & the woman at the well:

  • Jesus cares for the woman relationally, not just addressing her sin.
  • Jesus listens, asks questions, and meets her where she is.
  • The relational encounter transforms the woman.

Growth through relationships:

  • We grow through being confronted by others in a humble, compassionate way.
  • Receiving feedback, even poorly given, can help us repent and trust Christ more.
  • Small relational changes can make a big difference over time.

How we receive feedback, confront sin, and graciously give of ourselves in relationships determines the speed of our sanctification. Relational growth requires relinquishing the need to be right, avoiding pain, and directing others. Instead we must slow down, ask questions, and offer care and compassion, imitating Jesus in how He related to the woman at the well.

May the story of how deeply Jesus cares for us in our struggles and weariness, beautifully captured in the hymn “Does Jesus Care?”, inspire us to receive His comfort so we can go and comfort others, and in so doing reflect more fully the image of our relational God.


2 Corinthians 1:3-4, John 4:17-18, John 4:39

All content is property of Seth Troutt and Redemption Gateway.