Not God of the Dead, But of the Living

Preached by

What happens after we die? This age-old question has perplexed humanity across cultures and centuries. Even the religious leaders of Jesus’ day were divided on the issue.

Today we’ll see Jesus masterfully correct the erroneous views of the Sadducees regarding the resurrection. Far from some distant theoretical debate, Jesus’ words offer real hope and meaning for us today. Whether you’re struggling with your own mortality or grieving the loss of a loved one, this passage promises that the grave does not have the final say.

There is life beyond this life. Listen closely as Jesus parts the veil to give us a glimpse of the astonishing future that awaits all who put their trust in Him.

  • The Sadducees did not believe in resurrection. They posed a hypothetical question about marriage in the afterlife to try to disprove resurrection.
  • Jesus rebuked them for not knowing Scripture or God’s power. In the resurrection there is no marriage, and we will be like angels.
  • Jesus referenced Exodus 3:6 to show God is the God of the living, not the dead. Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob are somehow still alive to God.
  • Jesus affirmed there will be a future resurrection and the Sadducees were quite wrong.

Friends, we serve a God of the living, not the dead! Christ’s resurrection is proof that one day we too will be raised to new life. Take hope! Your departed Christian loved ones are more alive today with Jesus than ever before. And they eagerly await the day when you will join them in the heavenly kingdom. But for now, let this hope spur you on to live fully and faithfully for Christ.

Share the good news of eternal life with everyone you meet. And keep your eyes fixed on Jesus, the pioneer and perfector of our faith, who endured the cross for the joy set before him. The best is yet to come!


Mark 12:18-27

All content is property of Dr Chris Moore and Vista Grande Baptist Church.