Joy In Trials

Preached by

While 2020 brought significant hardship and challenges for many, it also revealed glimpses of profound hope and resilience in the human spirit. In this message, Pastor Tim explores how even in the midst of a broken world, true joy can be found through seeking God and his purposes. He issues a compelling call for Christians to adopt a new mindset in facing trials – to count all hardship as pure joy, knowing that through endurance we are made complete.

  1. James commands believers to “count it all joy” when facing trials of various kinds. This requires a new way of thinking about hardship, seeing it not as meaningless suffering but as an opportunity for spiritual growth.
  2. Trials have the power to produce “steadfastness”, or enduring faith, in our lives. By testing our faith’s validity, hard times strengthen our resilience and trust in God.
  3. Our vision as Christians extends beyond temporary happiness to eternal maturity and holiness. Through enduring trials with God’s help, we are made “perfect and complete.” Hardship furthers our transformation into Christlikeness.


James 1:2-4

All content is property of Luke Simmons and Redemption Gateway.