Jesus’ final instructions to his disciples, known as the Great Commission, give purpose and meaning for Christians today. Within that commission are the themes of authority, activity and ability – three pillars that undergird a believer’s life. Jesus’ authority gives purpose, his command to make disciples spurs activity, and his abiding presence supplies ability.
- Authority: Jesus has the authority to command followers to make disciples of all nations. We must live under Jesus’ authority as Lord, not just Savior.
- Activity: Jesus commands followers to be active in making disciples, not just being disciples. This involves teaching others and being immersed in our identity in Christ.
- Ability: Jesus gives followers the ability to carry out the Great Commission through his presence. His followers can be confident that he is with them always.
Christians are called to passionately pursue Jesus’ purpose for their lives, living each day under his authority, actively spreading the good news and confident in his capability-providing presence. With Jesus’ promises of forgiveness and a clean slate, there is ability and hope for the future, no matter one’s past.