How to Get From Where You Are to Where God Wants You to Be

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The narrative of Joshua guiding Israel into the Promised Land is profound. This biblical event signified God’s plan and dream for Israel to live in abundance in a land “flowing with milk and honey.” However, harsh circumstances like slavery in Egypt for 400 years and current real-world challenges like Covid-19, are examples that may give a perception of God’s promises being elusive.

Key points you should keep in mind are:

  • God, defined by fidelity, has a specific plan and dream for your life.
  • The trials and tribulations you face are purposed by God to prepare you for the subsequent phase of your life.
  • Currently, God is performing a transformative work within you which is as empowering as rivers of living water.
  • An optimistic perspective and strong belief are key factors in seeing your life’s potential, knowing that the best is yet to come.

Despite the hardships and adversities that might lead you to doubt the fulfillment of God’s promises, it is of utmost importance to remember that they are part of the divine preparation process. God is always at work, even in unseen and personal ways, leading to both inward transformation and outward manifestations. Keep your spirits high and believe strongly, because God’s plan for your life is active and your best is yet to come.


Genesis 12:1-3, Isaiah 43:16-19, John 7:38, 1 Peter 1:7, Joshua 1, Joshua 3:5

All content is property of Joseph Nieves and Transformation Church.