God has given a timeless invitation – an offer that seems too good to be true yet promises to satisfy the deepest longing of our souls.
God extends an invitation to “come and eat what is good, and delight yourselves in rich food.” An offer that is free, open to all and available right now. Yet the question remains: could a good that truly satisfies actually exist?
God’s grace is far greater than we can imagine. His thoughts are higher than our thoughts and his ways are higher than our ways. So though this feast may seem too good to be true, God’s Word assures us it is real.
- You are invited to feast on God. God offers satisfaction for your hungry soul through Jesus.
- The invitation is for everyone who thirsts, regardless of background or situation. It is free and open to all.
- The time to accept the invitation is now. Do not delay. Seek God while he can be found.
- The place where you will ultimately feast on God forever is the new creation. After death, heaven will come to earth and God will make all things new.
- The invitation seems too good to be true, but God says his thoughts and ways are higher than ours. His grace is greater than we can imagine.
- You accept the invitation by listening to God, repenting of your sins, and trusting in Jesus. Then you can delight yourself in the rich provision God offers.
God makes an extraordinary offer to you today – to feast on the riches of his grace, mercy and love. But will you accept his gracious invitation?
For this feast to truly nourish your soul, you must forsake your sin, turn from your old ways and trust completely in Jesus Christ. Only then will you experience the satisfaction your heart craves and the abundant life Jesus promises.
Do not delay any longer. Seek the Lord while he may be found and call upon him while he is near. Come to Jesus just as you are, lay down your burdens at his feet and receive the abundant pardon he longs to give. Experience for yourself the eternal feast that only God can provide – the feast of his presence, provision and promises that will satisfy your hungry soul forever.
Accept God’s invitation, receive his gift of salvation and delight yourself in all the riches he offers. For God’s invitation comes with a promise – that all who come to him will never hunger again, and all who believe in him will never thirst.
Jesus says “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” My dear friend, will you come to Jesus today? Will you accept his gracious invitation and receive the gift of eternal life? Take that step of faith right now, for Jesus is standing with open arms, inviting you to his table. The feast awaits – won’t you come and dine with the King of Kings today?