Everything Is New, Part 1

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The resurrection body of believers refers to the new physical bodies that Christians will receive after Jesus returns. Our current earthly bodies are perishable, weak and natural, but in heaven we will receive spiritual bodies like Christ’s glorious resurrected body.

Our earthly bodies are subject to injury,decay and death. Many wonder how the dead will be raised and what our resurrected bodies will be like.

Key Points:

  • Paul uses analogies of seeds and different types of bodies to illustrate that God can resurrect our bodies in a new form, though continuity remains.
  • Our resurrected bodies will be different from our earthly ones. They will be glorious, strong, spiritual and suited for heaven.
  • Jesus’ resurrected body serves as the prototype. We will be like him with bodies of glory and full of the Holy Spirit.
  • Our resurrected bodies will be perfect, ageless, capable of doing all God designed and free from pain, sorrow or dying.

Have confidence that we will rise again with a new resurrection body through Christ’s work. Be radically generous now as you store up treasure in heaven.


1 Corinthians 15:12, 1 Corinthians 15:36-38, 1 Corinthians 15:42-44, Philippians 3:21, John 12:24

All content is property of Kitt Guerrier and Hometown Church.