Chasing Hard Work

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Chasing the fleeting rewards of hard work alone leads only to temporary satisfaction and eventual disillusionment. King Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived, ultimately came to regret all the toil he had spent building his empire–realizing that none of it would last and could not fulfill his deepest longings.

Only by living to build an enduring legacy through meaningfully serving others, he discovered, can we find true and lasting fulfillment. If you spend your life chasing promotions, possessions and status, at the end you will wonder, what was it all for?

But if you live to build a legacy by serving others, your life will make an eternal difference in this world. This is the paradox at the heart of Solomon’s surprising wisdom…

  • Chasing hard work leads to an unsatisfied life as Solomon hated all his toiling.
  • Chasing hard work produces a lack of contentment as Solomon worked more due to envy of others.
  • Working is good, but becoming obsessed with work leads to meaninglessness.
  • Live not just for a living but to build a legacy through serving others.

When the temporal rewards of hard work and accomplishment fade as surely they must, only a life invested in eternal things will retain its significance. But all that we do in service to others points directly to the one eternal truth that gives true significance to every human life – the love of Jesus Christ, who came not to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.

If you want your life to matter forever, live not for the fleeting but to build an enduring legacy by serving others and pointing them to the only source who can satisfy the deepest longing of the human heart. Choose today, not just a living but a legacy.

Spend your life, not on things that moth and rust can destroy, but on the one true investment that time cannot erase – loving and serving others in the name of Jesus Christ, whose kingdom will have no end.


Ecclesiastes 2:18, Ecclesiastes 4:4, 1 Timothy 6:6, Matthew 6:19-20, Mark 10:43-45

All content is property of Carlos Cardenas and Christ Fellowship.