The Good Samaritan is our example of what it means to truly care for those around us.
The expert in the law asked Jesus how to inherit eternal life. Jesus responds by telling him to love God and love others. The expert then asks “who is my neighbor?”
Jesus tells the story of the man who is attacked and left for dead on the road from Jerusalem to Jericho. First a priest passes him by, then a levite. Finally, a Samaritan comes along. Though Samaritans were despised, he has compassion for the injured man. He bandages his wounds, puts the man on his donkey, takes him to an inn and pays the innkeeper.
Jesus asks which of the three was the neighbor to the injured man. The expert says the one who showed him mercy. Jesus then tells him to “go and do likewise.”
To truly care means:
- Coming and seeing the needs around you
- Having compassion well up within you
- Then taking action to meet those needs
Caring requires:
- No merit or conditions on the people we should care for
- Only a heart of compassion
Caring will:
- Cost you resources like time, energy and money
- Be inconvenient
Caring is an overflow of:
- Continual, ongoing love for God and others
- Jesus is our ultimate example of care:
- He came and saw us in our brokenness
- He had compassion
- He took action by dying on the cross for us
The call is simple: care for everyone just as Jesus cares for them.
We want God to bring divine opportunities to truly care and show compassion to those around us, even when inconvenient.