Blessings Beyond Your Comfort Zone

Preached by

What would you do if an angel came to you and said you were destined for something impossible? Would you cower in fear or rise to the calling?

The story of Mary points to an incredible truth: sometimes saying “yes” to God means stepping into the impossible. It means letting go of questions and doubts, and simply trusting that with God, all things are possible.

Mary’s story teaches us that when God asks the impossible of us, the faithful response is “here I am Lord. I am your servant.” It takes courage to step out in faith, but God has a purpose in mind, and a blessing waiting on the other side of your obedience.

  1. When God asks you to do something outside your comfort zone, don’t miss the moment with God. Say yes to the opportunity, even if it seems impossible.
  2. When you’re facing an impossible situation, the only response is to just say yes and trust that with God all things are possible.
  3. Your God moment, the moment you step out in obedience, will open doors for you and lead to blessings.
  4. As you go through difficult times and step out in faith, stay connected to the bigger picture of what God is doing.
  5. God has a blessing waiting for you on the other side of your obedience, so be obedient to step out of your comfort zone.
  6. The content encourages people to say yes to God, even when it seems impossible. It challenges listeners to have faith and trust that God can do the impossible.

The story of Mary challenges each of us to ask: what is God calling me to attempt that seems impossible? What steps of obedience might open doors to a greater purpose? Will I allow fear keep me small, or will I rise up to the calling despite my uncertainty?

As Mary reminds us, staying connected to the bigger picture – Jesus and his mission for our lives – is what sustains us through the difficult and improbable choices we are asked to make.

Has God asked you to attempt something that now seems impossible? If so, I invite you to take that first step of faith today, and say “here I am Lord! I will do whatever you say.” Nothing is impossible with God.


Hebrews 12:1, Mark 5:36, Matthew 6:34, Mark 10:27, John 19:25-27, Luke 1:42, Luke 1:37-38

All content is property of Joey Adkins and Wellspring Church.