Abandon Safe, Live by Faith

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Living safely, without risk, seems wise but often means settling for less than God’s best. Refusing to embrace challenges that stretch beyond our comfort zone limits the impact we can make for God’s kingdom. The stories of biblical heroes show us that abandoning safety for faith unlocks God’s power in astounding ways.

When faced with Egypt’s brutal oppression, Moses could have remained in Pharaoh’s palace, living safely. But divine encounter stirred a holy discontent within him, motivating him to abandon safety for the risks of faith. Though he protested his stutter and lack of ability, God assured Moses he would be empowered for the job. When Moses finally took that first step of faith, parting the Red Sea and leading the Hebrews to freedom soon followed.

  1. Staying safe and comfortable often means missing out on God’s best blessings for the future. Living by faith unlocks God’s power and purpose.
  2. Living in the past and dwelling on past mistakes keeps one trapped, unable to move forward in faith. God’s forgiveness frees us to obey His call.
  3. Focusing on fears of the future rather than stepping out in faith limits what God can accomplish through us. When we take that first step, God empowers us for the task.
  4. Ultimately, an abundant life of faith means allowing God, not circumstances, abilities or comfort, to define us. That requires abandoning safety for risk.
  5. Though the task may seem beyond our abilities, it is not beyond God’s. When we place our faith in Him and obey, God equips us as we step out in faith.
  6. Though we cannot see the whole path ahead, taking that first step of faith unleashes God’s power to part seas we never dreamed possible and accomplish wonders through us.

So what risks might God be calling you to take? What holy discontent stirs within you, compelling you forward? Remember, the task may seem too great for your abilities but not for God’s. When we place our faith in Him, abandoning safety for risk, God equips us as we step out in obedience.

Though the path ahead may be unseen, take that first step and watch God part seas you never dreamed possible. Live anchored in your identity as God defines you, not by the comforts that hold you back. Then marvel at the wonders God will accomplish through you.


Hebrews 12:1, Isaiah 43:18-19, Exodus 3, Exodus 4:10,13

All content is property of Joey Adkins and Wellspring Church.